Friday, June 12, 2015

They are back safe

Two van locations

The vans got separated in traffic

Remember that they need to clean out vans before they leave.

They got separated

They will be coming in a few minutes apart.  Remember to make sure the vans are cleaned out before they leave.

They are just getting on the far end of the Elgin O'Hare

With a bunch of other people....

Location updated 351

Slow going.... 4:15 at earliest

Bathroom break

Traffic. Returning closer to 4 now

215 update

Location update

Location update and lunch

Looks to me like they are at a Wendy's for lunch....

Location update

Trip update

Looks like Bob's phone was "borrowed"


They are walking through the Louisville Slugger facility and will be on the road soon.  Check back for updates on their travel progress and a more accurate pickup time.  We have one so vac but if someone could bring another with an extension cord, that would be great.  Safe travels!  Bob wanted to remind everyone that the youth need to clean the vans before they leave with you.  Please encourage everyone to help.  This usually takes about 20-30 minutes.  They just left and will be stopping for lunch at some point.

Another card

They made it onto a baseball card

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Another Thursday pic

More Thursday pics

Keep showing your love and support! They appreciate it!

Some Thursday pics

Wednesday pic


Hi! This is Madi and Erica (Go Merica!!) Yesterday was a successful day of mission work! We had groups working at New Directions (manual labor), the Senior Center, and at Catholic Charities (a refugee education and preparation center). After a long day of work we had the opportunity to visit Bates Baptist Church to experience a new style of worship. I think we all agreed that the service was incredible and something we will never forget! We finished off the night with Club and Church Group Time. We have another day of hard work ahead and can't wait to serve more of the Louisville community! Hawks win and tøp is love |-/ 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Another Tuesday pic


It's hard to believe that we only have two more work days left in Louisville   Yesterday all the groups worked hard again dans group did a lot of painting and dan even did some of the work. Daria stayed behind to care for Megan who wasn't feeling good. Christies group worked at the senior center in the morning and cleaned up some parks. And my group worked teaching refugees from Cuba and Iraq English. In the evening we went to the Kentucky derby museum it was interesting to see all the wealth there and all the poverty where we are staying only 5 minutes away

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Triple crown

Another Tuesday pic

Tuesday photos

One more from yesterday

Tuesday morning

After our first day of work everyone was pretty exhausted  all the groups worked very hard. Dan & Daria's group worked cleaning out an old baptist church while Christies group worked at a senior center  in the morning and helped prepare an apartment for a refugee family in the afternoon. My group helped teach English to a group of Cuban refugees I may have taught them all how to say lets go Blackhawks. But it wasn't all work in the evening we hung out at the river front park and we walked Across a bridge into Indians . Once again I have to say what a great group we have this week everyone is working hard and getting along great. God is good

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pics from Monday

Everyone is having a great time we are heading out for our evening activity which will be a river walk

A great morning in Louisville

Good morning everyone we are all slowly waking up and getting ready for our first day of service. Are big group has been broken down into 3 smaller groups the 1st group is Christie , Diana, Dana , Margaret and kailey our 2nd group is dan,Daria , grant ,adam,Ben,Chloe and Jenna and our 3rd group is bob,Erica,amber,Madi and Megan . All of our groups will also include other people from the other church's that our staying with us. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Great first night everyone is pretty tired and ready for bed as soon as I figure out how to send pictures I will load some on the blog
We made it to Louisville safe everyone is doing great